Tom Cruise Teeth With Braces
Tom Cruise bad teeth has been the topic of many observers. There was a time when Tom Cruise wore braces to correct his front teeth. That was in the past. And when you have one of the most famous smiles in the world, it is important to get your middle teeth fixed.
Now, the focus seems to be on his right front tooth being in the middle of his face. Which is not really a bad thing to be honest.
Back in 2002, Tom Cruise wore mostly invisible braces with ceramic brackets. However, the braces came off before the paparazzi caught on.
Tom Cruise Also appeared in BAFTA looking Puffy
Tom Cruise is no stranger to plastic surgery, In his latest appearance in BAFTA in 2016, there were strong suggestions that he underwent plastic surgery to keep the wrinkles off his face. Tom Cruise looked puffy and that gave rise to plenty of cosmetic surgery gossip.
One of the most notable facial traits of Tom Cruise is his broad wide smile, accompanied by his big front teeth and a strong nose. However, after he underwent the correct procedure, Tom Cruise’s right tooth was in the center in the middle of his face. With the latest adjustments, it seems like Tom Cruise needs to have further corrections again.
The Videos Below Will Show you Tom Cruise Progress over the Years:
This is Tom Cruise back in 1983 in an Interview on NBC:
And this is Tom Cruise winning the Golden Globe Awards in 2000, with the award presented by Charlize Theron and Ben Affleck:
The Video Below Shows Tom Cruise in his latest appearance at the BAFTA awards with a “puffy look”:
Tom Cruise Front Teeth Looks Like Crowns
There was also talk that his two front teeth are crowns. This is because observers say that the color of the two front teeth are off color and there the opacity is more intense compared to the other teeth.
Tom Cruise Had a Missing Tooth
Well, you will never know what might happen in the future. Tom Cruise recently appeared with one too missing. There is clear evidence to show you that magical moment.
But clearly, it was just a matter of Movie Magic! Tom Cruise starred as Barry Seal, a pilot turned drug smuggler who specialised in bringing drugs to the United States.
But hey, who says that Tom Cruise does not look good with a missing tooth? He looks the part of a gangland leader with a slight pirate touch. Looking vicious though.
Thing is, if his teeth and facial features look completely symmetrical, its pretty scary too. Its normal for a person’s face to have some imperfections. It give a natural look to the facial features of Tom Cruise. And looks like Tom Cruise middle tooth does little to take away his good looks.
So, do you prefer to see Tom Cruise front teeth fixed? Or do you view his right tooth as Tom Cruise bad teeth? Let us know.