Pete Burns Plastic Surgery With Before and After Pictures
Pete Burns is well known for his disastrous plastic surgery procedures. From eye lifts, nose jobs, extreme lip fillers, lip implants and Botox, Pete Burns seems to have done it all. He has admitted to having regular peels and botox injections.
And his before and after photos look very astonishing:
Pete Burns Plastic Surgery is a Lifestyle to Him
He regards his cosmetic surgeries as necessary for his lifestyle. Pete Burns likens plastic surgery to home redecorations – which means that he has to do it every few years. In his own words, having facial enhancements is like “buying a new sofa”.
Pete Burns started his plastic surgery journey in the 1980s after experiencing initial success from musical hits. However, according to him, even the first plastic surgery did not go to plan and he ended up with a crooked nose. That experience only made him more determined to make himself look better as he went on to have an implant in his upper lip.
Pete Burns Is Not Only About Plastic Surgery
Pete Burns plastic surgeries were not the only talking point. He famously showed off his body piercings, numerous of them, at the London Fashion Week back in 2010. His lifestyle and presentation were never dull.
Pete also received 450,000 pounds out of court settlement as compensation from a plastic surgeon, who admitted having erroneously injecting his lips between 2000 to 2004. This incident cemented Pete Burns as a focal point in celebrity plastic surgery news.
Pete Burns is Reported to be Bankrupt
Pete Burns addiction to plastic surgery has cost him big fortune. Despite receiving the monies from the out of court settlement, it was reported in April 2015 in Dailystar that Pete Burns has declared bankrupt.
It is no secret that Pete Burns underwent plastic surgeries. It seems that he will be pursuing his perfect look in the future using plastic surgeries. What do you think of Pete Burns Plastic Surgery? Did the surgical enhancements make him look better now?