Christina Hendricks Before She Was Famous

Christina Hendricks Before She Became Famous

Christina Hendricks is a well known American actress and has been nominated in 6 Emmy Awards. But what is most intriguing to her fans is – what was she like before she gained all that fame? Well, let’s get straight to the point and gather some photos in years past and see how far she has come!

No writeup about Christina Hendricks before fame can be complete without a snapshot of her childhood. Here is a shot of her during her childhood days:

Credit: Pinterest

Christina Hendricks showed signs of a beauty since her high school days. In the photo below taken from one of the yearbook photos (freshman in 1990), Hendricks showed some flair of being a top model in years to come. Check it out:

Credit: Yearbook

The following photo was taken one year later in 1991 as a sophomore in the Fairfax High School Yearbook. Note her change in style did not take anything away from her beauty:

Credit: Yearbook

Hendricks also described herself as an “outcast” and a “goth” during her high school days. Well, the following picture says it all:

Credit: Tumblr

Christina Hendricks Started as a Model

In her early years from age 18 to 27, Christina Hendricks was a model. She shared with The Sun in 2013 that she got her nice curves from her stay in Italy. She said “I started out as a model and when I went to Italy to build my book I gained 15lb from all the pasta and cappuccinos that were
part of my life over there.

“I saw my body change and I loved how it changed my appearance and how it made
me look more womanly and sexy.

“I give credit to my mum, who told me to feel good about my appearance and not
feel embarrassed about my body because she was never worried about looking
too big or feeling fat.”

Here are some rare shots of her during her young modelling career. Check it out:

Credit: The Sun

Christina Hendricks Acting Career

Christina Hendricks started her acting career in the MTV series called Undressed. Though its not a title she would want to be associated with today, it showcased her acting skills and led on to bigger roles in television. Here is a shot of what she looked like then. Sorry to say, she was in no state of undress.

Christina Hendricks is known for her voluptuous boobs. And her ample bosom brought her great fame. But, when did all the attention come from? Well, the video below showcases a steamy scene in Beggars and Choosers. Perhaps this is the scene that captured the hearts and minds of many men. Be warned, its steamy.

And who could forget Christina Hendricks playing her role of “Loopy” in Everclear’s hit “One Hit Wonder”(1997)? Here is a side of Christina Hendricks you have never seen before. Her short hair and slim frame made her boobs (though all covered up) stand OUT. Enjoy that music video below:

Well, we sure would want to show you more pictures of Christina Hendricks. But as promised, we just want to focus on her early days. For more updates on her latest news, you can read more about her transformation in another post HERE. So, did she look as good pre-fame compared to today? Let us know your thoughts!