Lee Grant and Her Plastic Surgery Experience
Plastic Surgery has been a norm for American Celebrities and people who wanted to rejuvenate their skin, body, face, and appearance. They chose to take this route because many people have experience success and enjoyed the benefits. Being under knife and needle was not a fear anymore as long as they believed in the good outcome that they will get later.
Unfortunately not all the surgery produced with the good results. Some of them ended by making the appearance worse than before. This happened on actress and film director Lee Grant. Being blacklisted from the film, radio, and most television work, she still worked sporadically in the theatre during that time. But after winning the Best Actress Award in the prestigious Film Festival the Cannes in 1952 for her great act in ‘Detective Story’ movie, she finally could fight those bans and black-listing.
And that was how the story began, when she felt scared about her aging after 12 years away from the public eyes. She admitted that she had done some procedures to avoid aging. She didn’t want to admit her own age. She became addicted to plastic surgery and went for procedure after procedure. She looked like a flower bloom in the spring when she appeared on television again at that time.
And until now, in her 87th age, she still has a tight skin, better than most of the women under her age. Her face,especially the forehead, looks clean without any fine lines. There were rumors that this is the result of Botox injections and face lifting that had been done several times by her.
However these efforts couldn’t enhance her beauty. She can’t deny that her eyes and cheeks look swollen and they make her look odd and weird. Her cheekbones are also not in its place anymore. Her nose also looks unnatural as it had suffered repeated facelifts. So the beauty she was after was never found in these plastic surgery procedures. She looks completely different from her younger days. Some cannot even recognise her anymore.
This is one prime example of having a failed plastic surgery procedure. Just as a side warning: Every plastic surgery has its risks. Be ready to accept the risks before deciding on plastic surgery. One bad move will result in many corrective procedures – which might make it worse. Things might have worked out for others but things can go awry for you.