Iggy Azalea Plastic Surgery. How Many plastic surgeries had Iggy Azalea Undergone?
Iggy Azalea is well known not only for her rapping skills, but also for her numerous plastic surgery exploits. In an interview with Seventeen magazine, Iggy Azalea says that she has no issues talking about a recent nose job that she has done.
Iggy Azalea in her own words :
“I’m not denying it. Denying it is lame,” she tells the magazine’s September 2015 issue. “I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made, like with my breasts.”
Would it be great if every celebrity be as forthcoming?
Iggy Azalea – Plastic Surgery Cannot Solve All Your Problems
But Iggy is quick to add that plastic surgery is not a fix for everything in life. She said this about plastic surgery:
“Your perception of yourself can change a lot over time, so I think it’s important to wait and make sure it’s the right choice. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey. It’s no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it’s no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it’s a tough journey. There are things that I didn’t like about myself that I changed through surgery. There are other things I dislike but I’ve learned to accept. It’s important to remember you can’t change everything. You can never be perfect.” (adapted from time.com)
Though she admitted to having nose and boob plastic surgery, she denies that she has work done on her butt. In a recent interview with The Project, Iggy Azalea insisted that butt implants was never a consideration for her. “People have been saying I have bum implants forever, but I don’t have butt implants. I have no problem talking about cosmetic surgery,” she shared.
Being a celebrity, it is understandable that Iggy Azalea needs to look her best. Though many might not agree to undergo plastic surgery, her honesty is commendable in an industry where plastic surgery is not admitted. Kim Kardashian and Kenny Rogers also admitted to plastic surgery.
And Iggy Azalea also understands the consequences of plastic surgery. She said.” I read a lot about nose jobs online. Some women are really happy they got them, and some women changed their noses when they were younger, and when they got older they wished they didn’t”.
Iggy Azalea Plastic Surgery Journey is an Emotional One
Documenting her plastic surgery journey, Iggy Azalea said that plastic surgery is an emotional journey.
“It’s no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it’s no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it’s a tough journey,” she said.
Iggy also made thought provoking statements, sharing with the world the need for self acceptance. She said,” (there are) things I dislike but I’ve learned to accept. It’s important to remember you can’t change everything. You can never be perfect.”
And Iggy Azalea says that the social media creates a very difficult environment for women celebrities. People focus on viral pictures and posts. Some use the number of likes and comments as a yardstick of their success. In February, Iggy quit social media when insensitive and uncalled for comments surfaced about photos of her in a bikini.
“There’s so much more emphasis on taking pictures of ourselves and the ‘likes’ or people commenting on them,” she continued. “There’s a lot more pressure to look beautiful. Some days I just want to look like s— and feel okay with that.”
Iggy Azalea Has Always Been Upfront About Plastic Surgery
She also admitted to having her boobs done in March. And we appreciate her honesty.
In fact, she has always been brutally honest with the media, she said “…but it’s a bit more invasive or taboo for people to talk about the surgical ways we sometimes enhance ourselves. That’s very relevant to girls who are looking to you, or aspiring to you. As much as people should know you’re Photoshopped, they should know if you’re surgically enhanced. It’s too unfair” (adapted from news.com.au)
She admitted that the recovery process from a plastic surgery is no fun. It is a long process and one must be ready and be comfortable before going ahead.
Iggy Azalea Plastic Surgery Consists of Numerous procedures
Industry observers believe that Iggy Azalea, had nose job, chin implants, Botox injections, wrinkle filler injects around the mouth, lip enhancements and other procedures, especially her boob job which she publicly admit.
And Iggy Azalea is not afraid to flaunt the success of her plastic surgery attempts. On the recent red carpet walk at the Billboards, she put on instagram a picture of her with exploding new set of boobs saying “Loving my new look”
Iggy Azalea surely is in a league of her own. Being one of the only four female rappers to top the Billboard charts, she definitely needs to keep pace with the industry changes. Stars come and go. Its important to prolong the lifespan of her celebrity career.
By being upfront about her plastic surgery adventures, Iggy has presented herself as someone who is forthright with the fans and media. Instead of coming across as an out of reach celebrity, she managed to bridge the gap with her fans, by identifying their fears and giving practical advice on overcoming them.
Whether you love Iggy Azalea or not, she has built up a strong legion of fans. Iggy Azalea plastic surgery advice might not be a main reason for her stardom, but its fast catching up on the number of searches on the internet. What are your thoughts on Iggy Azalea plastic surgery?